The world view as a means of internal exploration: A read of The Black Heralds of César Vallejo The world view as a means of internal exploration: A read of The Black Heralds of César Vallejo

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Américo Mudarra Montoya



In some poems of The Black Heralds (1919), the first set published by César Vallejo, the lyric subject has a predisposition to use the sense of sight as the means to identify, in different levels, those elements that surround him. Consequently, it is possible to recognize two different visions: in one vision, the focused element stimulates an inner reaction in the observer; in the other vision, the protagonist discovers —through the observed element— an intimate and personal truth for him. Hence, the elements behave as resources in order that the lyrical subject knows more about himself as he interprets and understands his surroundings. It must be understood that the lyrical subject is a projection of the poet. To demonstrate this interpretation, in this study we will proceed to analyze the poems «Deshojación sagrada», «La araña», «La de a mil» and «Las piedras».

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    Mudarra Montoya, A. (2020). The world view as a means of internal exploration: A read of The Black Heralds of César Vallejo. Archivo Vallejo, 3(5), 151–165.
    References bibliography

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