The Paradigm of Justice in The Black Heralds: «a single heartbeat; a single rhythm» The Paradigm of Justice in The Black Heralds: «a single heartbeat; a single rhythm»

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Nilton César Velazco Lévano



In this article we present some keys that allow to demonstrate the formulation of the paradigm of justice and its utopian sense of the humanity that develops César Vallejo in The Black Heralds. This paradigm is constructed from its aesthetics curdled from the Andean, family, social, cultural, anthropological, historical, political and juridical experience. This poetic work is a foundation for the whole corpus Vallejiano and marks the course of what would be its peculiar humanism and its cravings for human justice, which constitutes itself in the thread of all its work. Therefore, his message is effective and urgent to be announced and revalued.

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    Velazco Lévano, N. C. (2019). The Paradigm of Justice in The Black Heralds: «a single heartbeat; a single rhythm». Archivo Vallejo, 2(4), 155–183.
    References bibliography

    Vallejo, César (1998). Poemas completos. Introducción, edición y notas de Ricardo González Vigil. Lima: Petroperú.

    Velazco Lévano, Nilton César (2018). Ya va a venir el día, ponte el alma. El humanismo jurídico-político y el paradigma de justicia en la obra de César Vallejo. Lima: Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos/Fondo Editorial Universitario de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo.