The silence as an answer: César Vallejo’s letters to Fédor Kelin The silence as an answer: César Vallejo’s letters to Fédor Kelin

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Jesús Cabel Moscoso



César Vallejo’s enthusiasm for the Soviet Union not only comes after his stay in the Soviet Union on three occasions: 1928, 1929, and 1931, but also has the preamble dating back years ago when he writes to Pablo Abril de Vivero. Considering that El tungsteno has been translated and published in Russian, Vallejo tries to return for the fourth time for the presentation of his plays Lock-out (1930) and Presidentes de América (1934) which, in fact, were never published or performed on the Soviet stage. His relationship with the International Union of Revolutionary Writers, where Fédor Kelin was its secretary, produces twelve letters in which the creative, editorial, and political plans of the Peruvian writer can be ascertained, as well as the pernicious silence on the part of his Russian translator.

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    Cabel Moscoso, J. (2023). The silence as an answer: César Vallejo’s letters to Fédor Kelin. Archivo Vallejo, 6(11), 85–107.
    References bibliography

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