Thematic and Expressive Constants Between The Black Heralds and the Rest of Vallejo’s oeuvre Thematic and Expressive Constants Between The Black Heralds and the Rest of Vallejo’s oeuvre

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Antonio González Montes



Considering that the entire written work by César Vallejo has been read and analyzed by national and international literary criticism, we propose to highlight the importance of The Black Heralds (1919) in the whole of this work and underline the thematic and expressive constants between the aforementioned collection of poems and Vallejiana production in verse and prose, literary, academic and journalistic. In this work I will use the category of intertextuality to establish with precision and in a well-founded way the connections that exist between the 1919 book and the works that the author published in life and those that have been published posthumously, signifivantly increasing his literary corpus. As appropriate, I will consult exhaustively the relevant bibliography about this topic.

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    González Montes, A. (2019). Thematic and Expressive Constants Between The Black Heralds and the Rest of Vallejo’s oeuvre. Archivo Vallejo, 2(4), 133–153.
    References bibliography

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